Experienced | Knowledgeable | Dependable

Let’s Build a Solid Legal Defense for You

Representing insurers, self-insured funds, individuals, businesses, & governmental entities in Louisiana

A gavel sitting on top of a wooden table.

Experienced | Knowledgeable | Dependable

Let’s Build a Solid Legal Defense for You

Representing insurers, individuals, businesses, & governmental entities in Louisiana

A person writing on paper with a pen.

Dedicated to Protecting Your Legal Rights Find Out If We Can Help You

Have You Been Sued? Wrongfully terminated? Overwhelmed?

When you or your business has been sued, wrongfully terminated, or simply need to enforce a legal right, the legal system can intimidate and overwhelm anyone – we're here to help find the answers and create the solutions you need. Don't let yourself get buried in details. Contact us instead.

Learn About Our Services

Whether involving claims arising from professional errors, auto accidents, home ownership, or governmental entity activity, we work hard every day defending those individuals and entities who have been sued in a city, state, or federal court throughout Louisiana.
Phone: (318) 443-6168